tatitlek news

Coho Stocking Project (Fall 2020)
The Tatitlek Corporation (TTC) recognizes the immense cultural significance of a traditional subsistence lifestyle and has established a number of
September 22, 2020

Community Painting Project
In addition to the Basketball Court Project, the crew also painted five residential homes, adding a splash of color to
September 22, 2020

Basket Ball Court
We are very excited and proud to announce the re-development of the basketball court in Tatitlek. The 2020 Basketball Court
September 22, 2020

Michelle Vlasoff Endowment (Spring 2019)
Copper Mountain Foundation has a new endowment named in honor of the late Michelle Vlasoff. Michelle, a previous CMF staff
April 22, 2019

Sheri Buretta Appointed to CMF Chairman (Spring 2019)
In June 2018, Sheri Buretta was appointed to the position of Chairman of CMF. Sheri currently serves as the Board
April 22, 2019