The Tatitlek Corporation is a Native Alaskan-owned company pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act, providing services to federal entities, private businesses and military and defense contractors for the purposes of enhancing the quality of life for our people. Headquartered in Anchorage, AK, TTC and its subsidiaries have 1,300 employees geographically dispersed through project and business offices located throughout Alaska and 46 locations worldwide.
TTC succeeds in business by consistently delivering the highest-quality work to our clients in a diverse range of industries, building strong and enduring relationships with our employees throughout the nation, and strong corporate governance with clear strategic direction.
By developing and expanding first-rate subsidiary companies, TTC is paving the way forward for the people of Tatitlek, continually working to provide opportunities and services for our shareholders and their descendants to continue lifestyles that are fulfilling and sustainable.
Through working hard to ensure excellence in business, TTC is working to ensure the Native Village of Tatitlek continues to thrive from generation to generation.