The Tatitlek Corporation (TTC) recognizes the immense cultural significance of a traditional subsistence lifestyle and has established a number of programs to support various aspects of subsistence preservation and enhancement. Since 2009 TTC has collaborated with the Tatitlek IRA Council to execute the Coho salmon subsistence resource enhancement project.
The Coho salmon subsistence resource enhancement project, which is coordinated with substantial support from Valdez Fisheries, includes stocking and local release of juvenile Coho salmon, near the Native Village of Tatitlek. Upon their return, the salmon are anticipated to augment the subsistence resources available within the Native Village of Tatitlek primary subsistence harvest area. This is a major improvement to previously damaged resources that had been slow to recover, following the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill tragedy.
Every year in May, local hires from Tatitlek coordinate with Valdez Fisheries to deliver the Coho fry to the fish pen in Boulder Bay. Transported by cargo vessel from Valdez Hatchery, the fry are then pumped into holding pens near Nunu Creek. Here they are fed by local hires over a period ranging from two to four weeks. Following this stabilization period, the fry are released into the wild, where they will reach full maturity before returning for harvest. TTC starts the hiring process every year for this project in March of every year. For more information on the local hire opportunities, please contact the Shareholder Services Department at 907-278-4000 x8675 or at